1. (a) The working days are divided into two sessions. The morning session is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. noon. The afternoon session is from 1:30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.
(b) Those who are forced by circumstances to come before 8:30 a.m. shall sit in their respective classes and study silently.
(c) There will be an assembly every Tuesday. At the stroke of the bell, all the Students should fall in line for the Assembly, at which the class teachers also will assist. A warning bell is given 10 minutes before the commencement of classes everyday and the second bell minutes later. All students must be inside the class room before the second bell. At the third bell, all must stand still, wherever they are, and pray silently till the signal is given.
2.(a) No pupil is allowed to leave the classroom till the short Interval or the end of the session.
(b) While going from class to class at the end of the period, care
should be taken to move with hands tied behind and in double file, keeping always to the left side of the corridor.
3.(a) Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence from school must be applied for previously, in writing, by the Parents and for weighty reasons only.
General terms of excuse; "For some business", "For some ceremony" etc., will not be entertained.
(b) When a pupil has been absent from school for some unforeseen reason e.g., Illness-he/she must,on returning to school, produce a leave note signed by his parents or guardian (see Leave and Absence Record). If the absence exceeds three successive days, previous notice must be forwarded to the Headmistress and permission obtained.
(c) Continued absence without leave for a week, shall be considered equivalent to withdrawal of a pupil from the school and his name shall be struck off the rolls.
(d) Special notice will be taken of absence without leave from class tests. Those who absent themselves on the reopening day after the holidays, without prior permission from the Headmistress, may have to pay a fine. In case of illness, a medical certificate shall be required.
(e) A pupil, absent without leave during any one class hour of either session of the day, shall be regarded as absent for the entire session.
(f) A pupil marked absent, shall continue to be marked absent, until he produces an order from the Headmistress to be marked present.
4. When a calendar is lost without valid reasons, a fresh calendar should be obtained after paying Rs. 200/- as fine, in the school office
5. Books, magazines, newspapers, video games, CDs, playing cards, walkman transistors, Wrist Watches, Mobiles etc., not approved by the Headmistress, are not allowed in the school.
6. Mobile Phones are strictly prohibited for the students. Possession of a mobile phone will be treated as an offence and it will be confiscated.
7. (a) The use of tobacco in any form and alcoholic beverages are forbidden to our students inside and outside the school.
(b) Students are required to have a proper haircut regularly.
(c) All fees and fines should be paid only in the school office and a vaild receipt should be obtained for each payment.
8. Books, etc. should have a name or mark by which the owner can be easily known and all stray or unclaimed property should be brought to the office. Any loss of articles suffered by the pupils must be reported immediately to the teacher-in-charge or the Headmistress.
9. Pupils, without the Headmistress' permission, must not join any external club or societies or make any commitments that would interfere with their studies.
They are not allowed to play in any team against the school or take part in any outside tournaments without the Headmistress' written permission.
10. Letters officially addressed to the Headmistress, should contain reply postage, if reply is desired.
According to the new pattern of education, the Semester System is Introduced in the school for classes 1-7 Accordingly, the academic year is divided into two viz, June to September and October to April. Each semester will be followed by an evaluation and vacation. Since the system of making known the marks is abolished, the students/parents will have no access to the answer papers. The grades that are awarded will be recorded in the progress report and the same will have to be duly signed and retained by the parents. However, unit tests will be held regularly by the teachers who handle the subjects.
Subject wise project work will have to be prepared by the students under the guidance of the teachers. The same will be evaluated by the teachers and recorded along with the oral evaluations.
1.) When a pupil is compelled by circumstances to be absent for any one of the evaluations (even if it be for any one subject), he must obtain leave of absence from the Headmistress, in advance.
2.) Unjustified absence for any of the evaluations or tests will adversely affect the promotion of the pupil at the end of the year.
1. The Primary School Library has approximately 10,000 volumes in the Reference and Circulation sections and has a spacious reading room which is supplied with newspapers and periodicals. The Primary School has a separate library.
2. The school library is accessible to the members of the staff and students of the school.
3. The library is open on working days from 8:15 am to 8:30 am 12:50 p.m. to 1:40 p.m. and 3:00pm to 4:00 pm.
Circulation Section
Books in the circulation section will be issued by the librarian during the lunch interval and after school hours in the evening.
Books issued from the library may not be kept for more than 7 days at a time. Defaulters in this respect are liable to pay a fine of Rs. 2/-for every day of delay.
Books issued from the library may not be lent to others. A book lost or damaged has to be paid for, by the one to whom it was issued.
Reference Section
Reference books are arranged subjectwise: Students can refer to these books in the moming from 8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and in the afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The library volunteers would help the students in getting the reference books from the cupboard after making an entry with the librarian